bubble star

Chance of bandits in the world!

  • Bandits are hostile colonists!
  • Upon defeating a bandit you can get his coat, his axe and whatever food he had on him!
  • You can choose to show mercy and spare the bandit. This allows him to join your set of colonists!

Rogue robots are now roaming in search for human survivors! They are quick and attack rapidly.

  • Option to extract core (core has 50% chance to explode in the process!)
  • Drops robot core upon successful extraction
  • Cores can be used to craft a shotgun!
  • Fixed grey zones
  • Broken zone movement
  • Modified when travel instruction is available
  • Fixed DirectX Merge

Loot system implemented in the game!

  • Enemies now drop loot!
  • Colonists now drop their items in a loot bag upon death!
  • Shotgun item added to the game (access it by spawning a loot bag and looting it)
  • When shotgun is in inventory, colonists have increased range, slower attack speed and bigger damage
  • Animations for shooting are added
  • Sound for shooting is added
  • Removed instruction from enemies, now loot bag drops 1 shotgun instead
  • Fixed bug with bear de-aggroing and colonist stuck in attacking. Also fixed animation when mining after combat
  • Bear de-aggro fixed (now animations work fine after de-aggroing)
  • colonist now cancel animation when no target is found and still animate when mining a node afterwards
  • Changed project over to DirectX
  • Implemented factory pattern
  • Decoupled UI from game1
  • Settings Menu and pause menu decoupling
  • Removed update loop from cutscene factory
  • Temperature System Refactor Foundation
  • Refactor and Redesign
  • Minor tweaks
  • Fixed bug where colonist could execute instructions repeatedly
  • Simplified Sprite and AnimatedSprite
  • Applied instruction fix to rabbit
  • Fixed bug where gameobjects would not correctly save in non-serialisation mode
  • Fixed bug with GameObjectManager
  • Fixed bug where gameobjects would not correctly save in non-serialisation mode
  • Fixed bug with GameObjectManager
  • Added working enviromental serialisation and refactors to the GameObjectManager
  • Refactored zone generation
  • Added Rabbit serialisation and fixed bug with Bush respawning time
  • User settings + seed/current zone settings are now saved
  • Added Colonist serilaisation
  • Fixed inventory stacking bug
  • Fixed procedural generation bug
  • Added PFSPosition to serialised objects
  • Zone instructions now exist to move between zones
  • Tweaks to Tile draw peformance
  • Changes to SoundFactory
  • Added travel instruction
  • Made changes to song
  • Changes to naming conventions and collections
  • This pull request makes 2 unrelated small changes
  • First commit improves tile drawing peformance. Increasing the TileMap draw peformance from ~15% to ~5% of total CPU time.
  • Seccond commit makes some improvements to the SoundFactory. Just making it easier to add new sounds in the future.
  • Tweaks to Tile draw peformance
  • Changes to SoundFactory
  • Instructions now can take a time cost
  • Added seperate onStart and onComplete delegate methods in instruction
  • Replace craftingCosts in workbench with requiredResources in InstructionType
  • Move error message UI to View
  • Add logic to controller to check for resource type (ensuring that workbench still checks for the resources)
  • Tool Based Instruction System Patch
  • Basic sound added to game.
  • Song now loops
  • Implemented sounds using factory method
  • Added sound effects
  • Plays menu music and game music
  • Places towers in 3 fixed locations
  • basic tower placement
  • can capture a tower
  • uniform tower spawning
  • Updated Tower generation
  • Interactables now draw from center
  • Sprites will now be positioned from the center by default, not the top left
  • Depth also is now based on the position, so spirtes will wont draw over another one inccorectly.
  • Fixed depth and spite origin
  • Started Procedural Generation
  • Procedural genreation with zones
  • Generating features in zone
  • No longer spawns objects in water
  • Noise added to generation
  • Refactored Inventory System
  • Cleaned up and changed the UI and Inventory classes
  • Multiple Inventories now supported
  • UI update and draw is now handled by controller
  • Fixed bug with UI hover and renamed callback methods
  • Implemented the buildings and spawn drop down menus' functionality.
  • Spawning intractables will be mapped to the tile map.
  • Added View UI for dropdown menu
  • Added WorkBench.cs to fix the duplicate code for crafting issue
  • Added ResourceTypeFactory
  • Redesign for the resource type factory
  • Instructions Update
  • Added Controller class
  • Instruction menu now scales depending on the number of items in it.
  • Added IComparable to Instruction and Instruction Type.
  • Added factory pattern
  • Fixed incorrect bush key in interactablesfactory
  • Removed null return and replaced it with a throw pathfinding exception.
  • This isn't a perfect solution since unreachable paths still use a lot of preformace. I noticed a drop of 10 fps.
  • Small tweaks to the colonist and campfire MVP
  • Updated the enemy health
  • Added healthbars for each colonist alive on the map
  • Fixed a small bug with the healthbars
  • Fixed bug with workbench
  • Added walking animation to colonist
  • Fixed crash caused by null crafting menu
  • Fixed UI crashes
  • Added notification when not having enough resources to build/craft

Fight the new AI enemies, but be careful! Some of the attacks might deal a critical damage!

The world is divided into Zones! Explore on your own risk!

Updated the games Tile set with new tiles created by JR-Morgan, and new textures ajaysharmx!

We also have new sprite animations!

We have updated the ui using GeonBit UI library

Introducing a new lighting shader system. Now we have support for real time 2d shadow casting and dynamic lighting.

This lighting is achieved by using a shadow renderer adapted from Catalin Zima-Zegreanu's dynamic 2d shadows

This system works by rendering objects that cast a shadow, sperately for each light, calculating which areas should be lit, applying a gausian blur based on the distance from the light source. Then using the spritebatch, combining all of these layers into the finally rendered scene.
By using a pixel shader the light rendering and shadow filtering, the peformance cost is quite small. We measured a 20% peformance increase with two lights in our scene, compared to a scene with no lights.